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1. Colorado DNR - Trail Segments line line icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The purpose of this layer is to inventory and track recreational uses (e.g. hike, bike, OHV... etc.) permitted on designated trails within Colorado... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

2. Colorado DNR - Alluvial Aquifers polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. This data set is the result of digitizing all fifteen 1 by 2 degree (1:250,000 scale) geologic quadrangle maps that encompasss Colorado to map allu... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

3. Colorado DNR - Bedrock Aquifers polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Delineation of the bedrock aquifer systems in Colorado. Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

4. Colorado DNR - Big Game Management Unit Boundaries polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This information was derived from the 1:24,000 scale Digital Rastor Graphics (DRG's). Data were digitized on-screen using the Arc/Info module to cr... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

5. Colorado DNR - District Wildlife Manager Areas polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This data was developed by using CPW documents and brought up to date by consulation with Area Managers to develop Regional data for the state. The... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

6. Colorado DNR - Trailheads point point icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The Colorado Trail System, now titled the Colorado Trail Explorer (COTREX), endeavors to map every trail in the state of Colorado. Currently their ... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

7. Colorado DNR - Trails line line icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The Colorado Trail System, now titled the Colorado Trail Explorer (COTREX), endeavors to map every trail in the state of Colorado. Currently their ... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

8. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 1: Canals and Ditches point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Irrigation canals and ditches in the South Platte River Basin. Canals and ditches are assigned to a HydroBase Diversion structure with a WDID. Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

9. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 1: Irrigated Lands polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 1 of the South Platte River Basin for the 2017 growing season in support of the... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

10. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 1: Soils polygon polygon icon public public icon

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and Colorado Division of Water Resources. USDA 1994 State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database with available water capacity calculations. Projected to UTM coordinate system and clipped to Co... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

11. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 1: Wells point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Covers the Division 1 - South Platte. Part of the Division 1 Irrigated Lands 2015 data set produced by the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Di... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

12. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 2: Ditches point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of ditches in Division 2 which includes the Arkansas River Basin. . Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

14. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 2: Wells point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of wells in Division 2, containing the Arkansas River Basin in Southeast Colorado. . Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

15. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 3: Ditches point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Ditch headgates associated with the 2017 Rio Grande Decision Support Systems Irrigated Lands data. Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

16. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 3: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 3 of the Rio Grande Basin for the 2017 growing season in support of the RGDSS. ... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

17. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 4: Ditches point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of ditches in Division 4 of the Gunnison River Watershed. Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

18. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 4: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 4 of the Gunnison Basin for the 2015 growing season in support of the Colorado ... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

19. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 5: Ditches polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of ditches in Division 5 including the mainstem of the Colorado River; major tributaries include the Fraser, Blu... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

20. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 5: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 5 including the mainstem of the Colorado River; major tributaries include the F... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

21. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 6: Ditches point point icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of ditches in Division 6 of the Yampa/White Basins for the 2015 growing season. Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

22. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 6: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 6 of the Yampa/White Basins for the 2015 growing season in support of the Color... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

24. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Divsion 1: Land Use polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. The National Land Cover Dataset was compiled from Landsat satellite TM imagery (circa 1992) with a spatial resolution of 30 meters and supplemented... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.