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1. Colorado DOLA - Annexed Areas in Colorado, 2010-2017 polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. The Annexation dataset was created by transcribing areas from annexation maps; either by freehand drawing or by digitally copying when available. ... Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

2. Colorado DOLA - Cemetery Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

3. Colorado DOLA - Deannexed Areas in Colorado, 2012-2017 polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Currency of data depends upon having accurate base data as well as timely annexation updates (sent from each County Clerk to DOLA per Colorado stat... Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

4. Colorado DOLA - Field Regions polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Local Government. Colorado Department of Local Affairs Field Regions. This layer was created by dissolving Colorado County boundaries. The county outlines in this c... Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

5. Colorado DOLA - Fire Protection Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

6. Colorado DOLA - Hospital Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Shows hospital district location, name, and contact information. Boundaries and district names aggregated for this dataset represent a first ve... Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

7. Colorado DOLA - Library Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

8. Colorado DOLA - Metropolitan Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

9. Colorado DOLA - Municipal Boundaries polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. The Municipalities dataset was created by combining a Base Boundary dataset with an Annexation dataset. The Base Boundaries are a compilation of... Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

10. Colorado DOLA - Park and Recreation Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

11. Colorado DOLA - School Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

12. Colorado DOLA - Soil Conservation Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

13. Colorado DOLA - Water and Sanitation Districts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Local Affairs. These data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs from data sourced from country governments across the State of Colorado. Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

14. Colorado DNR - Alluvial Aquifers polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. This data set is the result of digitizing all fifteen 1 by 2 degree (1:250,000 scale) geologic quadrangle maps that encompasss Colorado to map allu... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

15. Colorado DNR - Bedrock Aquifers polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Delineation of the bedrock aquifer systems in Colorado. Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

16. Colorado DNR - Big Game Management Unit Boundaries polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This information was derived from the 1:24,000 scale Digital Rastor Graphics (DRG's). Data were digitized on-screen using the Arc/Info module to cr... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

17. Colorado DNR - District Wildlife Manager Areas polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This data was developed by using CPW documents and brought up to date by consulation with Area Managers to develop Regional data for the state. The... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

18. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 1: Irrigated Lands polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 1 of the South Platte River Basin for the 2017 growing season in support of the... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

19. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 1: Soils polygon polygon icon public public icon

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and Colorado Division of Water Resources. USDA 1994 State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database with available water capacity calculations. Projected to UTM coordinate system and clipped to Co... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

21. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 3: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 3 of the Rio Grande Basin for the 2017 growing season in support of the RGDSS. ... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

22. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 4: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 4 of the Gunnison Basin for the 2015 growing season in support of the Colorado ... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

23. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 5: Ditches polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of ditches in Division 5 including the mainstem of the Colorado River; major tributaries include the Fraser, Blu... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

24. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 5: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 5 including the mainstem of the Colorado River; major tributaries include the F... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

25. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Division 6: Irrigation Parcels polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. Spatial and informational database of irrigated parcels in Division 6 of the Yampa/White Basins for the 2015 growing season in support of the Color... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

26. Colorado DNR - Water Resource Divsion 1: Land Use polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Division of Water Resources. The National Land Cover Dataset was compiled from Landsat satellite TM imagery (circa 1992) with a spatial resolution of 30 meters and supplemented... Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

27. CDOT - Lakes polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Department of Transportation. Features in this dataset represent areal bodies of water, such as lakes, reservoirs, and wide rivers. Features are represented by polygon geographi... Colorado Department of Transportation.

28. COGCC - FEMA 100 year Floodplains for Colorado polygon polygon icon public public icon

U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Aggregate of FEMA DFIRM (digital vector only) 'Zone A' effective 100-year floodplain extents for Colorado This data is provided as guidance only... Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

29. COGCC - Field Boundaries polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. The COGCC_Fields layer represents the approximate boundaries of oil and gas fields in Colorado. These field boundaries are defined by producing an... Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

30. COGCC - Horizontal Field Boundaries polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. The COGCC Horizontal Fields layer represents the approximate boundaries of oil and gas fields for horizontally drilled wells in Colorado. These fie... Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

31. COGCC - Wattenberg Gas Field: Undifferentiated Field Boundaries polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. The COGCC_WattenbergField shapefile represents the approximate boundary of the Wattenberg-Undifferentiated Field. This field occupies over 1500 sq... Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

32. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Aberts Squirrel Overall Range polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. AbertsSquirrelOverallRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class encompassing the observed range of a population of Aberts squirrel in Colorado. This inform... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

33. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Communal Roosts polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleCommunalRoosts is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing communal roost sites for Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Colorado. Communal R... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

34. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Nest Sites polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleNestSites is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing a 0.5 mile buffer zone around active, inactive, destroyed, undetermined, and unknown Bald E... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

35. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Roost Sites polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleRoostSites is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing a 0.25 mile buffer zone around Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) roost sites in Colora... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

36. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Summer Forage polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleSummerForage is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing summer foraging areas for Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Colorado. Summer For... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

37. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Winter Concentration polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleWinterConcentration is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing winter concentration areas for Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Colorado.... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

38. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Winter Forage polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleWinterForage is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing winter foraging areas for Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Colorado. Winter For... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

39. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bald Eagle Winter Range polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BaldEagleWinterRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing winter range for Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus luecocephalus) in Colorado. Winter Range is defi... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

40. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Migration Corridors polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornMigrationCorridors is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing a specific, mappable site through which large numbers of animals migrate, and the lo... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

41. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Mineral Lick polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornMineralLick is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing specific, natural sites known to be utilized by bighorn sheep for obtaining minerals to mee... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

42. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Overall Range polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornOverallRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing Overall Range for Bighorn Sheep in Colorado. Overall Range is defined as the area which en... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

43. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Production Area polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornProductionArea is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing production (lambing) areas for bighorn sheep in Colorado. Production areas are defined a... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

44. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Severe Winter Range polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornSevereWinter is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing that part of the winter range where 90% of the individual animals are located when the ann... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

46. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Summer Range polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornSummerRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing Summer Range for Bighorn Sheep in Colorado. Summer Range is defined as that portion of the ... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

47. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Water Source polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornWaterSource is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing Water sources known to be utilized by bighorn sheep in dry, water scarce areas. Up to a 1.6... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

49. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Bighorn Sheep Winter Range polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BighornWinterRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing that part of the overall range where 90% of the individuals are located during the average ... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

50. Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Black Bear Fall Concentration polygon polygon icon public public icon

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers. BlackBearFallConcentration is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing fall concentration areas for Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in Colorado. Fall Concen... Colorado Parks and Wildlife.