Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Western Ribbon Snake Overall Range
Colorado Parks and Wildlife; Tina Jackson, biologist
WesternRibbonSnakeOverallRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class encompassing the observed range of a population of Western Ribbon Snake in Colorado. This information was derived from species experts. A variety of data capture techniques were used including implementation of the SmartBoard Interactive Whiteboard using stand-up, real-time digitizing at various scales (Cowardin, M., M. Flenner. March 2003. Maximizing Mapping Resources. GeoWorld 16(3):32-35). Various sources were referenced in developing these data including Amphibians and Reptiles in Colorado: A Colorado Field Guide Second Edition 1999 by Geoffrey A. Hammerson, the Colorado Herpetofaunal Atlas, and CPW Scientific Collection data.These data were last updated in April 2014.