Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Species Data - Ptarmigan Overall Range
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologists, District Wildlife Managers, and Researchers
PtarmiganOverallRange is an ESRI SDE Feature Class showing Overall Range for White-Tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucurus) in Colorado. Overall Range is defined as the probable range of White-tailed Ptarmigan in Colorado as determined from the following criteria: Areas greater than 10,800 feet in elevation; Colorado GAP vegetation types Mixed Tundra, Meadow Tundra, Prostrate Shrub Tundra, Bare Ground Tundra, Exposed Rock, Shrub Dominated Wetland/Riparian, and Graminoid/Forb Dominated Wetland. This information was derived from field personnel. A variety of data capture techniques were used including drawing on mylar overlays at 1:50,000 scale USGS county mapsheets and implementation of the SmartBoard Interactive Whiteboard using stand-up, real-time digitizing at various scales (Cowardin, M., M. Flenner. March 2003. Maximizing Mapping Resources. GeoWorld 16(3):32-35).